Sains Malaysiana 42(10)(2013): 1387–1393
of Ellenberg’s Indicator Values Along an Elevational Gradient
Central Black Sea Region of Turkey
(Penentuan Nilai Penunjuk Ellenberg Sepanjang Kecerunan Ketinggian
di Wilayah Laut Hitam Tengah, Turki)
H.G. Kutbay1*
& B. Sürmen2
May?s Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü,
Samsun, Türkiye
2Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi,
Kamil Özdağ Fen Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü,
Karaman, Türkiye
10 Mac 2013/Diterima: 12 Mei 2013
The central Black Sea Region has an unique vegetation because
different vegetation types occurred. In the present study plant communities
(from Mediterranean-type to temperate forests) in the Central Black Sea Region
along an elevational gradient was evaluated on Ellenberg’s Indicator Values (EIVs). EIVs
were calculated for nutrient availability, pH and temperature variables
(nutrient availability (N), pH (R) and temperature (T)) with the help of
weighted averages. Additionally, the vegetation of the study area was
classified by using two way indicator species analyses (TWINSPAN)
method and the interactions among plant species and EIVs
were also studied by the help of Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA).
We found some differences between our data and the previous data which were
obtained from similar vegetation types with respect to EIV’s
for nutrient availability, pH and temperature. Pteridium aquilinum, Fragaria vesca and Euphorbia
amygdaloides var. amygdaloides may be used as an indicator of
nutrient availability. There were significant differences among species
regarding EIVs for temperature because the study area includes
temperate and Mediterranean-type communities.
Keywords: Black Sea; Canonical correspondance analyses; Ellenberg
indicator values (EIVs); forest vegetation; nutrient
availability; pH; temperature
Wilayah Laut Hitam Tengah mempunyai vegetasi unik kerana wujudnya
jenis vegetasi berbeza. Dalam kajian ini komuniti tumbuhan (daripada jenis
Mediterranean kepada hutan temperat) di Wilayah Laut Hitam Tengah sepanjang
kecerunan ketinggian telah dinilai ke atas Nilai Penunjuk Ellenberg (EIV). EIV telah dikira untuk variabel ketersediaan nutrien, pH dan suhu
(ketersediaan nutrien (N), pH (R) dan suhu (T)) dengan bantuan purata pemberat.
Sebagai tambahan vegetasi kawasan kajian telah dikelaskan dengan menggunakan
kaedah analisis spesies penunjuk dua arah (TWINSPAN)
dan saling tindakan dalam kalangan spesies tumbuhan dan EIV telah
dikaji dengan bantuan Analisis Kesetaraan Kanon (CCA).
Terdapat perbezaan antara data kami dan data terdahulu daripada vegetasi serupa
daripada segi EIV bagi ketersedian nutrien, pH dan suhu. Pteridium aquilinum, Fragaria vesca dan Euphorbia
amygdaloides var. amygdaloides boleh digunakan sebagai penunjuk bagi
ketersediaan nutrien. Terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara spesies
daripada segi EIV bagi suhu kerana kawasan kajian mencakupi jenis
masyarakat temperat dan Mediterranean.
Kata kunci: Analisis kesetaraan
Kanon; suhu; ketersediaan nutrien; Laut Hitam; nilai penunjuk Ellenberg (EIV); pH; vegetasi hutan
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