Sains Malaysiana 42(10)(2013): 1439–1447
of Environmental Factors and Indicator Plant Species for Site Suitability
Assessment of Crimean Juniper in the Acipayam District, Turkey
Faktor Persekitaran dan Spesies Tumbuhan Penunjuk bagi Penaksiran Kesesuaian
Tapak bagi Juniper Crimea di Daerah Acipayam, Turki)
Serkan Gülsoy* & Kürşad Özkan
Department of Forest Engineering , Faculty of
Süleyman Demirel Üniversity, 32100 Isparta, Turkey
Diserahkan: 14 April 2013/Diterima: 12 Mei 2013
The present study was carried out to find the environmental and
biotic indicators for site suitability of Crimean juniper (Juniperus excelsa L.) in the Ac?payam
district, Turkey. Data were collected from 100 sample plots. Environmental
variables (elevation, slope, radiation index, topographical position, landform
characteristics and parent material) and plant species were recorded at each
sample plot. Generalised addictive model (GAM)
and indicator species analysis (ISA) were applied in order to
model the distribution of Crimean juniper and determine the indicator species
within its range. The results of the applied GAM analysis
and the distribution model obtained showed that most suitable sites for the
occurrence of Crimean juniper are the areas in the higher zones (supra and
mountain Mediterranean zones) covered by limestone. The results obtained from
indicator species analysis (ISA) confirmed the applied GAM results,
in the sense that thermo-Mediterranean plant species such as Arbutus
andrachne, Cercis siliquastrum, Cotinus coggyria, Pistacia terebinthus and
Styrax officinalis are the negative indicator plant species for Crimean
juniper while its positive associates from supra- and mountain-Mediterranean
elements are Berberis crataegiana, Lonicera etrusca var. etrusca,
Juniperus feoettidissima and Phlomis armeniaca. These findings are crucial
to predict the suitable sites for the utilization of Crimean juniper in afforestration
efforts by field managers in degraded and forestless areas of the Acipayam
Keywords: Habitat suitability; Mediterranean region; plant
distribution; reforestation
Kajian ini telah dijalankan untuk menentukan penunjuk persekitaran
dan biotik bagi kesesuaian tapak bagi juniper Crimea (Juniperus excelsa L.) di daerah Ac?payam,
Turki. Data telah dikumpul dari 100 plot sampel. Variabel persekitaran
(ketinggian, kecerunan, indeks radiasi, kedudukan topografi, sifat bentuk tanah
dan bahan induk) dan spesies tumbuhan telah direkodkan di setiap plot sampel.
Model adiktif umum (GAM) dan analisis spesies penunjuk (ISA)
telah digunakan untuk memperagakan taburan juniper Crimea dan menentukan
spesies penunjuk dalam julatnya. Hasil daripada analisis penggunaan GAM dan
peraga taburan yang telah didapati menunjukkan bahawa tapak yang paling sesuai
bagi kewujudan juniper Crimea adalah di kawasan zon tinggi (zon supra dan
pergunungan Mediterranean) yang dilitupi oleh batu kapur. Hasil yang diperoleh
daripada analisis spesies penunjuk (ISA) mengesahkan hasil daripada
penggunaan GAM, dalam erti kata spesies tumbuhan termo-Mediterranean
seperti Arbutus andrachne, Cercis siliquastrum, Cotinus
coggyria, Pistacia terebinthus dan Styrax officinalis adalah
spesies tumbuhan penunjuk negatif bagi juniper Crimea manakala sekutuan positif
daripada unsur supra- dan pergunungan Mediterranean adalah Berberis
crataegiana, Lonicera etrusca var. etrusca, Juniperus
feoettidissima dan Phlomis armeniaca. Penemuan ini adalah penting
untuk meramal tapak yang sesuai bagi penggunaan juniper Crimea dalam usaha
penghutanan oleh pengurus lapangan di kawasan tanpa hutan dan hutan miskin bagi
daerah Acipayam.
Kata kunci: Kesesuaian habitat; penghutanan
semula; taburan tumbuhan; wilayah Mediterranean
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*Pengarang untuk surat-menyurat; email: