Sains Malaysiana 50(9)(2021): 2615-2624


Influence of Bacterial Inoculation on Growth and Plant Nutrition of Peach Grafted in Different Rootstocks in Calcareous Soil

(Kesan Inokulasi Bakteria ke atas Pertumbuhan dan Nutrisi Tumbuhan Tanaman Pic yang Dicantum pada Stok Akar Berbeza di Tanah Berkapur)




1Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Selçuk, 42075 Konya, Turkey


2Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Iğdır, 76000 Iğdır, Turkey


3Department of Genetics and Bioengineering Plant Protection, Faculty of Engineering, University of Yeditepe, 34755 İstanbul, Turkey


Diserahkan: 28 Mac 2020/Diterima: 2 Februari 2021



The highly calcareous soil limits plant growth parameters due to inadequate uptake of plant nutrients. Calcareous soil conditions affect plant growth through impaired chlorophyll synthesis, root growth, enzyme synthesis, and nutrient uptake. To overcome the negative effect of calcareous soil, six bacterial strains namely Alcaligenes 637Ca, Agrobacterium A18, Staphylococcus MFDCa1, Staphylococcus MFDCa2, Bacillus M3, and Pantoea FF1 were inoculated in one-year-old plants of peach cultivar ‘Elegant Lady’ grafted onto GF677 and Nemaguard rootstocks. The bacterial treatments were observed to improve plant growth and nutrient content compared to the control. Moreover, the GF677 rootstock was observed to be more tolerant to high calcareous soil conditions than Nemaguard, showing better plant growth and nutrient content. At the Nemaguard rootstocks, the largest leaf area was observed to be upon inoculation with MFDCa2 (29.1 cm2), FF1 (28.8 cm2), and M3 (28.1 cm2), whereas at the GF677 rootstock, the highest leaf area was observed upon inoculation with MFDCa1 (34.7 cm2), FF1 (32.6 cm2), and 637Ca (31.5 cm2). The leaf iron content was higher in bacterial treatments than the control. In the Nemaguard rootstock, the highest iron content was measured in plants inoculated with 637Ca (133.49 mg kg–1) and M3 (127.64 mg kg–1), whereas in the GF677 rootstock, the treatments MFDCa1 (131.51 mg kg–1), 637Ca (131.21 mg kg–1), FF1 (127.72 mg kg–1), and M3 (127.68 mg kg–1) resulted in high iron content. The results indicate that bacterial inoculations have a significant potential to improve plant growth and can be used as biofertilizers for peach grafted onto Nemaguard and GF677 in high calcareous soil conditions.


Keywords: Calcareous soil; peach; plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR); plant nutrition; Prunus persica L.



Tanah yang sangat berkapur mengehadkan pertumbuhan tanaman kerana pengambilan nutrien tumbuhan yang tidak mencukupi. Keadaan tanah berkapur mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman dengan menjejaskan sintesis klorofil, pertumbuhan akar, sintesis enzim dan pengambilan nutrien. Untuk mengatasi kesan negatif tanah berkapur, enam strain bakteria iaitu Alcaligenes 637Ca, Agrobacterium A18, Staphylococcus MFDCa1, Staphylococcus MFDCa2, Bacillus M3 dan Pantoea FF1 telah diinokulasi pada tanaman pic kultivar ‘Elegant Lady’ yang berusia satu tahun yang dicantumkan kepada stok akar GF677 dan Nemaguard. Rawatan bakteria didapati telah meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman dan kandungan nutrien dibandingkan dengan kawalannya. Tambahan pula, stok akar GF677 dilihat lebih tolerans terhadap keadaan tanah berkapur berbanding Nemaguard, serta menunjukkan pertumbuhan tanaman dan kandungan nutrien yang lebih baik. Pada stok akar Nemaguard, keluasan daun diperhatikan pada inokulasi dengan MFDCa2 (29.1 cm2), FF1 (28.8 cm2) dan M3 (28.1 cm2), sedangkan pada stok akar GF677, keluasan daun terbesar diperhatikan pada inokulasi dengan MFDCa1 (34.7 cm2), FF1 (32.6 cm2) dan 637Ca (31.5 cm2). Kandungan zat besi dalam daun didapati lebih tinggi dalam rawatan bakteria berbanding kawalannya. Pada stok akar Nemaguard, kandungan zat besi tertinggi diukur pada tanaman yang diinokulasi dengan 637Ca (133.49 mg/kg) dan M3 (127.64 mg/kg), manakala pada stok akar GF677, rawatan MFDCa1 (131.51 mg/kg), 637Ca (131.21 mg/kg), FF1 (127.72 mg/kg) dan M3 (127.68 mg/kg) menghasilkan kandungan zat besi yang tinggi. Hasil menunjukkan bahawa inokulasi bakteria berpotensi besar untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman dan dapat digunakan sebagai bio-baja untuk tanaman pic yang dicantumkan kepada stok akar Nemaguard dan GF677 dalam keadaan tanah berkapur.


Kata kunci: Nutrisi tumbuhan; Prunus persica L.; rhizobakteria penggalak pertumbuhan tanaman (PGPR); tanah berkapur; tanaman pic



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