Sains Malaysiana 47(7)(2018): 1423–1430


Earliest Triassic Conodonts of Gua Panjang, Merapoh, Pahang and their Bearing towards Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction in Malaysia

(Konodon Berusia Awal Trias di Gua Panjang, Merapoh, Pahang dan Pengaruh ke Arah Kepupusan Besar-besaran Berusia Perm di Malaysia)




1Geology Programme, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


2Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 15 September 2017/Diterima: 19 Februari 2018



A single sample from the logged section at eastern side of Gua Panjang limestone hill, southwest of Kampung Kubang Rasa Village, Merapoh, has yielded 5 very important conodont species. They are Hindeodus parvus erectus, Hindeodus parvus parvus, Hindeodus latidentatus latidentatus, Hindeodus latidentatus praeparvus, Hindeodus postparvus, Hindeodus eurypge and Isarcicella staeschi. These Early Triassic conodonts were obtained in a bioclastic dolostone sample, located 2.5 m above bioclastic grainstone which yielded Late Permian foraminifera. The conodonts found were given Conodont Alteration Index (CAI) scale of 5, consistent with the heating of Main Range granitoid during Indosinian Orogeny. Limestone harbouring basal Triassic conodonts in Gua Panjang is interpreted to be deposited in an open shallow marine shelf environment.


Keywords: Basal triassic; Hindeodus parvus; limestone; Merapoh; Permian-Triassic Boundary



Satu sampel daripada singkapan yang dilog pada jujukan timur bukit batu kapur Gua Panjang, arah barat daya Kampung Kubang Rasa, Merapoh, telah menemukan 5 spesies konodon yang sangat penting. Konodon ini adalah Hindeodus parvus erectus, Hindeodus parvus parvus, Hindeodus latidentatus latidentatus, Hindeodus latidentatus praeparvus, Hindeodus postparvus, Hindeodus eurypge dan Isarcicella staeschi. Konodon berusia dasar Trias ini ditemui pada sampel batu dolo berbioklas, terletak 2.5 m di atas jujukan batu butir berbioklas yang mengandungi foraminifera berusia Perm Akhir. Konodon yang ditemui diberikan skala 5 pada Indeks Alterasi Konodon, konsisten dengan pemanasan granitoid Banjaran Utama ketika Orogeni Indosinian. Batu kapur yang mengandungi konodon berusia dasar Trias di Gua Panjang ini ditafsirkan sebagai endapan pada sekitaran pelantar lautan cetek terbuka.


Kata kunci: Batas Permi-trias; batu kapur; Hindeodus parvus; Merapoh; trias asas


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